Free tablets and tech support for 10 isolated Croydon residents

ClearCommunityWeb has 10 tablets available for isolated residents - get in touch if someone you know is stuck on their own.

As an online centre, Upper Norwood Library Hub and ClearCommunityWeb have been granted 10 tablets (and data) to donate to local residents who are currently isolated and keen to participate in a learning program. This is part of a program called DevicesDotNow, supported by the Good Things Foundation.

The tablets will be distributed to 10 residents who fit the following criteria:

  • either self-isolated or classified as ‘vulnerable’
  • have no internet access or means to acquire it 
  • over 70 or on low income 
  • limited local social support 

Each resident will participate in a short learning program designed to help then become more independent using things like video calls and searching for information. They will receive some one-to-one support to orientate themselves and get access to a learning program (LearnMyWay). 

Participants will get support to either watch or participate in the Crystal Palace Festival Online and agree to be interviewed about the experience and what they have learned, as part of the audio time capsule project All Alone Together. 

The device will be theirs to keep. They will be encouraged to participate in classes at the library, online and when the library reopens with a tablet-oriented digital inclusion class. 

We will be working in close partnership with Kingswood Community Shop to facilitate this. 

Nominate a resident or get involved

We have already identified a few people but have a few places left, so would like to encourage you to put your thinking cap on to see if there is anyone in your vicinity who would be eligible. If so please contact me directly as we only have this week to get ‘bums on seats’! 

We are also looking for a couple of volunteers to become ‘buddies’ to these residents and perhaps help distribute the devices, give support on the phone or doorstep, and help them practice video calling.  

If you would like to get involved please contact or 07523 646 277.

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