Introducing Opama Khan, Head of Digital Place

Newly appointed Opama Khan, Head of Digital Place, tells how the Croydon Digital Service is driving change throughout the council.

Hello Croydon digital community!  

I’m delighted to be writing to you as the newly appointed Head of Digital Place at Croydon Council. Getting to know my new team this week has been brilliant, their energy and determination to transform Croydon into a place of the future is palpable.  

Under the dynamic leadership of Neil Williams, our Chief Digital Officer, the Croydon Digital Service is driving change at a rapid pace throughout the council and evolving the way our services are delivered. It’s very clear that the team is putting Croydon residents at the heart of everything.  

In my new role, I’ll take this resident-focused energy a step further. Through digital infrastructure improvements and the use of smart city solutions, I’ll look at how we can harness technology and innovation to create a more efficient and sustainable borough, and improve the quality of life for Croydon residents. 

I will also focus on developing and supporting the tech sector in Croydon, aiming to grow our ecosystem through better B2B relationships and growth opportunities, attracting new tech businesses to Croydon, and working to establish a stronger digital skills and careers education offer.  

With over 10 years’ experience in corporate finance and management consultancy, I’ve worked with international property investors and developers in the private sector.  In the last 5 years I’ve been leading on Inward Investment at Croydon attracting new businesses and investment, creating new jobs and economic growth. I’m also a Croydon resident and I’m committed to seeing the borough thrive.  

Grand plans, big ambitions, and a huge challenge – but incredibly exciting! 

A couple of things to draw your attention before I sign off… 

Croydon Digital Talks: a new digital strategy for Croydon 

We’re planning the digital future of the borough and we want to hear your views. For our next Croydon Digital Talks event, Croydon tech businesses are invited to a special workshop to help us shape our new digital strategy. The strategy will include how the council supports you as a sector, and how we collectively use technology to make Croydon an even better place, so well worth making the effort to input your views! 

Please save the date of Wednesday 22nd May 3pm to 6pm. We’re putting together a fun and focused session, and full details will be circulated shortly.  

Profiling our great digital businesses: Croydon Digital Directory  

We’re launching a directory of Croydon-based digital, data and technology organisations and would like to invite you to take part so that we can promote your business, charity or other organisation, and develop our growing tech ecosystem. Simply send a link to your website and a high resolution copy of your company logo to me at and I’ll work with you to draft a listing to include when we launch.  

Until next time!

Opama Khan, Head of Digital Place

2 thoughts on “Introducing Opama Khan, Head of Digital Place”

Tim Buick 8th May 2019 at 2:46 pm

Great going Opama, huge congrats!

Saffron Saunders 10th May 2019 at 12:10 pm

Congratulations Opama – a new exciting challenge at the forefront of change in our borough.

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