Do you need a laptop?

ClearCommunityWeb have a small selection of Laptops available to help local residents who need access to a computer at home for a short or medium-term loan.

You can borrow one of our laptops for either the period of a short course, or for one or 3 months.

You will need to sign a loan agreement and be willing to take part in our evaluation program. This will help us understand what is useful and helpful in a loan scheme like this. We are testing the viability of a permanent scheme in the local area.

If you don’t have access to WiFi at home, we can also provide a mobile internet unit pre-loaded with 25GB of data. You will be responsible for any extra data you use.

The project is being funded by Lambeth Council and is run in partnership with the Upper Norwood Library Hub.

Am I eligible?

You need to live within 3 miles of Crystal Palace and need access to a laptop at home.

What laptops are available?

We have a set of refurbished HP Elitebook 2560 laptops with webcams.

We have some other donated items which we are evaluating to increase our stock

What can I use the laptop for?

The computers are mainly for:

  • supporting residents with their personal job search
  • enabling online learning
  • being used as a temporary replacement.

The laptops are set up with Microsoft Office, Teams, Zoom, and Skype.

How long can I have it for?

You can borrow the laptop for either one month, 3 months, or for the duration of a short course.

Do I need to do anything in return?

We have received funding to provide this programme. There is a loan agreement, and you will agree to complete a short questionnaire about how you have used the laptop and how it has helped you achieve your personal goals.

We will contact you once a month to see how the laptop is working and whether you have any extra needs.

What if I need to install something?

If there is a particular piece of software that you need to get installed we will be able to do this for you remotely.

What about my data and information?

When you return the laptop, the user account will be wiped and your data will be lost. It will not be stored anywhere.

If you have files you want to keep, you will need to save them onto a USB stick. We can assist with this when you return the laptop.

What if it breaks?

If the laptop is broken or damaged in any way, you must return it to us immediately. We cannot guarantee a replacement

What support is available?

We can provide remote help with the computer if:

  • there is something not working
  • something needs to be installed
  • you need to be shown something.

You will have access to a regular drop-in session where you can ask questions.

If you need more support to access services or setting up accounts then you can access our Community Tech Support.

What next?

If you are eligible for the scheme please complete our registration form, or call 07523 646 277 for further details.

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