Microsoft DigiGirlz: a free virtual tech club for girls

As part of our mission to inspire girls to get into STEM, the Microsoft Team are supporting the digital community with free virtual training sessions.

What’s DigiGirlz?

DigiGirlz is a Microsoft Initiative that’s been running for over 20 years, with coordinators and partners across the globe. We’re working to help underserved communities of girls get more engaged in technology and learn the skills they need to realise their passions in a tech-filled future.

What’s the challenge?

The simple truth is that diversity in tech improves the experience for all of us. Yet women only hold a quarter of the world’s STEM jobs. When you don’t see a pathway for yourself into an industry, you assume it’s not for you, so we need to create a space where women feel welcome to join.

What’s on offer

DigiGirlz is a series of after school clubs just for girls who have an interest in all things tech. It’s the perfect way to learn if you want to make something fun and see cool technology, all from the comfort of your home. Each club is structured around hands-on sessions making games or apps, question and answer sessions with seasoned pros, and exploration of the hottest new tech out today.

Whether you want to learn more about MakeCode Arcade or Minecraft: Education Edition, the Microsoft Experience Team will be on hand to take you through an array of different workshops during these sessions.

When it’s running

These interactive afterschool clubs will be running bi-weekly on Tuesday evenings, from 27 October until 22 December.

Who it’s for

DigiGirlz is a space where girls aged 11 to 14 can feel comfortable and excited to create using technology. The events are designed to introduce girls to career opportunities in technology while addressing the specific biases and challenges that might impact their experience. Event participation is open to anyone, regardless of gender identity, as long as they support our mission to provide an environment that encourages girls’ participation in technology.

Remember, it’s all about girl power!

Register here if you would like to get involved.

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