Connect and Protect: GovTech Digital Inclusion virtual roundtable on Wednesday 3 June

If you're involved in tech, the public sector or charities (or all 3) come along to this techUK event to discuss how to best support vulnerable people remotely.

techUK is running a month-long campaign highlighting how tech can help organisations, businesses, communities, families and society as a whole connect in this “new normal”. As part of this, they’re hosting a roundtable with the Croydon Digital community to examine how technology can keep the most vulnerable people in our communities connected to public services.

In this virtual roundtable, we want to bring together local government and industry to tackle the challenges of digital inclusion. We’ve already seen some great initiatives emerge, and this roundtable will look at how tech helps keep citizens and communities connected, and explore potential solutions to these challenges:

  • what do we mean by vulnerable residents, and how do we identify them?
  • how do we equip citizens not only with the technology and devices, but the skills to be meaningfully connected? How do we do this while staying socially distanced?
  • how can industry support local government to tackle digital exclusion?
  • what opportunities have arisen as a result of the rapid wider take-up of digital?

The event will be on Wednesday 3 June at 2pm. If you would like to attend please email

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