Digital support during these challenging times

Clear Community Web is offering support and advice with tasks like online shopping, video chat and online forms.

I want to let you know about some of the ways we at Clear Community Web can help local residents, community groups and non-profits during these confusing times. We are providing the following:

One-to-one sessions and small group support

We are offering support, advice and hands-on help to:

  • set up video chat software to stay in contact with family, friends, neighbours during this time. (Skype/ Facetime/ WhatsApp)
  • helping you to set up online shopping account and making that first purchase
  • critical form filling and applications: Council, Rent, Health Service

At the moment this is on Tuesday and Friday mornings at Upper Norwood Library while it remains open. We may arrange other times. I would also like to run a group session on using Skype ahead of everything closing down as this would be a really good way to learn! We can set this up so that we are at a safe distance.

Community remote support

We can provide remote support to solve issues with your computer or to walk you through setting up video or shopping online.

This is available now and will continue if public buildings close.

Community groups and working from home

We are providing special training and set-up for community groups and non-profits who need to stay in touch using Skype or Zoom.

We can assist you in remote working and provide direct support for your beneficiaries.

We are here to enable you to help your folk! Technology and changing the way we do things can be stressful and a strain, especially when forced upon us. My goal is to make this as simple as it can be especially during these times.

Get in touch

To find out more about the support we’re offering, contact Caspar on 07523 646 277 or

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