Who missed seeing a Hadouken and a cat behind the bar?

It's games night at Croydon Digital's second monthly informal social evening.

Friday evening saw our second Croydon Digital drinks, and I felt like I was 16 again.

We started off at Bishops Wine Bar, in the Whitgift Centre. Considering I’ve lived in Croydon all my life I only stumbled on this little hidden gem a few weeks ago and like the majority who attended never knew it existed. It’s been around for more than 20 years which is no surprise when you enter as you literally feel like you’ve walked into 1995. It might be old but at the same it’s very quirky and surreal (a cool little cat was behind the bar just chilling). We had plenty of new faces join us for the first time all from different skill sets, resulting in plenty of productive discussions on collaboration.

We then moved on to Heart Of Gaming which is upstairs in the old Allders building, once heart of Croydon. This place has been around for 2 years and again like the majority have never been before. I’ve not been into computer games for a long time, but this experience again reminded me of my younger days going to the Trocadero trying to be one of the cool kids, jumping on a Daytona race with 8 other drivers some half my age and always coming last (#shameful). It bought back fond memories of me and my friends meeting at a local cafe at 7:30am, an hour before high school started just to get our daily dosage of hadoukens on M Bison. Heart of Gaming is a very special place and again we don’t know how lucky we are to have it in Croydon. Although Mark’s journey in running Heart of Gaming in Croydon hasn’t been an easy ride he hasn’t lost any passion for restoring amazing classic retro arcade games. We hope they can move into a bigger better site and have a successful future in Croydon for many years to come. Look out for Mark’s upcoming blog coming very soon.

Every week I’m finding out about more and more wonderful people in our exciting tech community. We want to hear from you, doesn’t matter if it’s a start up idea or a scale up raising investment please join our groups:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8764011/

Meet Up: https://www.meetup.com/CroydonDigital/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/689997294771109/

Alternatively just come and join us for a casual bevvy at the next croydon.digital drinks on Friday 3rd May (venue announcement coming sooner than brexit deal). If you’re still not convinced to come then check out pics from our last event https://www.flickr.com/groups/3974432@N25/

Croydon Digital Game night

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