Notes from the first Croydon Digital drinks

Read about our 1st drinks event in Limitless VR, one of the coolest hangouts in Croydon.

Last Friday was a memorable day, as not only was it International Women’s Day but also our first ever drinks event, which we held at Limitless VR.

If you haven’t checked out Limitless VR yet, you are probably missing out on one of the coolest experiences in Croydon ever. I’ve never had a VR experience before and have never really been into computer games even as a child (does Championship Manager count?)

But I’m sure everyone would agree this was great fun and provides plenty of laughs. Special thanks to Mike Bacchus (Limitless VR founder) who was a brilliant host, extending our complimentary experience from 2 hours to 4 hours.

The weather was horrible on the day, and considering we organised it in less then a week I did start to worry if our tech community would be prepared to fight the cold to come out – but boy was I wrong.

In the end we had 25 attendees, the majority of whom arrived soaking from the rain, but they all left pleasantly surprised after meeting many different people working on amazing tech projects in Croydon.

Croydon Digital drinks will be a relaxed monthly social gathering where people can connect and exchange ideas, explore collaboration and support each other.

It’s a real pleasure to be given this opportunity to contribute towards helping build this special community, and I hope to be an valuable asset.

I’ve lost count of how many people I’ve met in networking events in London who can’t believe a Croydon tech community even exists, nor that we have co-working spaces in Croydon (seriously??? Why is it so hard to believe?)

So I make sure to tell them we have some of the best affordable co-working spaces in London, we have start-ups who are disrupting their markets, we have amazing talent who are in senior technology positions working in some of the leading companies in the country and Westfield is coming (fingers crossed). Why can’t a Unicorn come out of Croydon?

Our next croydon digital drinks will be on Friday 5th April we will be disclosing the venue soon, and look forward to seeing you there. We’ll let you know on this blog and via the Croydon Digital meetup group – do join that group if you haven’t already!

Please feel free to get in touch in the meantime regardless, with any little or large support you require.

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