Digital, data and tech job opportunities in Croydon

The Croydon Digital Service is hiring!

The Croydon Digital Service is hiring!

We’ve just posted 4 vacancies – the first of several batches of roles to come available as we establish our new digital service in Croydon Council. These 4 roles are in our technology, service operations and business management teams. The closing dates are on 6 and 10 Jan, so if you or someone you know is looking for a new challenge in 2019 in an exciting, friendly team that’s not messing around, get applying over Romjul/Twixtmas/Chrimbo limbo!

(You’ll have to excuse the user experience of the jobs site. It’s on our list to fix at some point. Consider it an induction into just one of the things you’ll be able to help improve!)

And this site now has a jobs page!

Through this site and other means, we want to raise the visibility of Croydon as a great place for digital, data and tech careers, and do things that help our existing tech businesses to thrive.

So we’ve added a jobs page, to collate all the digital, data and tech opportunities in our borough.

There’s no charge for this service – all employers that operate from premises in Croydon are welcome to list their digital jobs on this page. Follow this link to contribute and we’ll get it done.

(For now it’s just a simple page, but could become a proper jobs board over time. Croydonites, remember this site is something for us all to share so let me know if you feel able to help evolve any part of this site with us!)

The council will have another batch of roles to recruit in early 2019, in product management, agile delivery and user-centred design disciplines, and when they’re available we’ll be adding them on the jobs page too.

For now, Merry Cronxmas.


(This excellent card is by CDN)

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