Launching Croydon Digital at Croydon Tech Forum

Hello, World! Introducing the council's new digital leadership to the local tech community.

Neil and I are super excited to be attending the Tech Forum event being held at TMRW Croydon this week, along with other colleagues from the council. It’s a great opportunity for us to meet all the amazing members of the local tech industry who’ll be attending, and to introduce what we are planning to do.

We are entering a period of rapid change for both the Council and the area more widely, and so it’s vital that we are engaged with the local digital community, as their involvement and leadership will be crucial to us making Croydon a truly digital place.

The work of our teams will just form a part of the wider transformation taking place within the Council, which will result in better services for residents, designed around their needs and delivered as efficiently as possible, benefiting everyone.

This isn’t only about the technology that is used, but the processes, structures and cultures of service delivery – right down to the fundamental operating models that underpin everything we do. Personally speaking, it’s exciting to be joining a council that is having these conversations and actively taking on this challenge.

Neil, as the new Chief Digital Officer for Croydon, will be giving his ‘state of the digital Croydon’ address, introducing himself and the new team to everyone at the event. Following that there will be some panel sessions where local experts (and me) will be responding to audience questions about making digital transformation happen. The evening will then finish with some good old fashioned networking while coming up with ideas for taking the community forward.

The event also – and typing this here feels strangely meta – provides an opportunity to talk about this blog, and some of our plans for it. We’re committed to working in the open in our new team, sharing our ideas, plans and projects with the rest of the internet to help test and refine our thinking, and create opportunities for others to get involved.

But we don’t want this to become a place just to hear about local government IT (although that sounds pretty awesome to me). Our plan is for Croydon Digital to be the blog for everything happening in digital in the area, whether driven by the Council or somebody else. Exactly how that is going to work is something we need to figure out, together, over the weeks and months to come.

If you have found your way here early (well done!) you can still sign up to the event on the Eventbrite page. If you missed out on that, please subscribe to the blog to get updates on what we do next.

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