Tech & Tea

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This is an online event

Register in advance of this event, so you don’t miss out.

Tech & Tea are fortnightly, casual and friendly event.  If you want to help others in the community and meet other like-minded people that live nearby, then Tech & Tea is for you!

We are an enthusiastic team of volunteers that educate and advice through themed focus groups and workshops. We inspire attendees to learn new ways of using their devices and take them through practical examples to help them acquire tech skills. It’s crazy how not having basic tech skills can impact the quality of life for a lot of people!

The session starts with a ‘Tech Talk’, where we introduce a new tech topic to the attendees to raise awareness about what they can do with their tech devices.We encourage you to participate in the Tech Talk (but if you’d rather quietly observe that’s fine too!). Then the session turns into a workshop, where you can have a chat with those who need help with tech and answer any questions they have 🙂 we try to work as a team, so if you don’t know the answer you can ask another volunteer if they do!

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