How to locate your ideal clients

  • Hosted by City Business Library
  • 28/01/2021
  • 14:30
  • Free
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Once you have build a client persona, this session will talk you through different places you can find your clients. The tactical element of marketing “Hide and Seek”

The session will cover:

  • The importance of positioning within marketing
  • Explanation of ‘novice to mastery’ perception from the client’s perspective
  • How to move from novice to expert
  • Social proof and brand association
  • Explanation of S.M.A.R.T in the marketing industry
  • Awards, which ones matter?
  • Real time events, all the different types (I can explain a simple, but effective Elevator pitch if you like for networking). Networking, Talks, Workshops, Meetup groups, Seminars, Conferences etc.
  • An explanation of buyer personas and the effect on the above
  • Traditional media: which ones do their clients consume (it is part of the research that is undertaken in part 1)
  • How to appear in papers, guidelines on getting onto papers, press releases tips and tricks

By the end of this talk the audience:

– Will understand how to position themselves as an expert

– Understand the importance of and how to use a multi-pronged marketing and promotion strategy.

– And how to appeal to the three different types buyer personas

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