Demystifying Local Gov: Navigating the Local GovTech Market

  • Hosted by techUK
  • 26/02/2020
  • 10am to 12:30pm
  • Free
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It is an exciting time for local government transformation, more and more councils are realising the benefit digital can play in helping to not only drive efficiencies but solve problems and create places where citizens want to live, work and thrive.

This event will provide active and new entrants to the local government market the opportunity to develop a better understanding of how this works and procures technology.  Opama Khan, Head of Digital Place, Croydon Digital Service from the London Borough of Croydon will be speaking at the event, along with 3 other speakers.

The event will also explore the latest trends and models local government are looking at – from adopting a place based approach to greater collaboration across boundaries – as well as the key challenges they are facing and where the opportunities for technology to help solve problems.


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